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Explore Duals Plan Options with Our Simulator Tool

When you purchase either of our industry-leading Duals studies, you can now add on Deft’s powerful Dual Acquisition Simulator Tool for only $5,000 more. Our Dual Acquisition Simulator Tool is ideal for last-minute design checks. Use it to model supplemental benefit packages and purses based on nine areas examined in...

CMS’s HCC: A Medicare Battleground for Years to Come

By Brandon Dunk   CMS’s deadline for publishing its final rate announcement was April 3, 2023; in the end, it was able to release the information a little early on March 31st. Many of the worst fears of carriers were alleviated with the press release, where CMS expected the average...

Medicare Reimbursement Turmoil

by Brandon Dunk   Medicare Advantage carriers are counting down to April 3rd, and Deft Research is watching with them. April 3, 2023, is the date that CMS will publish its final rate announcement. These rates have already been previewed in the 2024 Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) Advance Notice,...

Navigating Medicare Disruption

In August of this year, the U.S. Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which promises to lower costs and improve outcomes for American seniors. Beginning in 2026, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will choose a selection from the most expensive Part D drugs each year to come under negotiated price restrictions. Other changes are pending...

Positive Prospects for ICHRAs

The basis for interest in ICHRAs is clear. Deft Research’s Employer/Employee Group Insurance Study reports that for 46% of employers' payroll deductions increased 6% or more in 2022...

A Better Way to Explain Your CAHPS/QRS Scores

Identifying the drivers of CAHPS/QRS scores is paramount to long-term financial performance. The customer experience rating moves up or down with overall ratings...