Commercial Group and ICHRA Study

Publishes June 28, 2024 | Commercial Market

The Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) option got off to a slow start in the COVID years of 2020 and 2021, but some estimates have the program accounting for more than two million of the ACA member total today. As employers struggle with unpredictable healthcare costs in a wobbly economy, Deft’s inaugural Commercial Group and ICHRA Study illuminates how current Commercial Group members feel about the potential move to the ACA and how that compares to the experiences of those already in ACA coverage through ICHRA.


Add on a local study – With a larger sample of seniors in a local market, the report illuminates unique characteristics of members in the area and how they deviate from the national data. This helps plan managers analyze results or tailor campaigns to the specific nuances of their local markets. This study is generally completed four to six weeks after the corresponding national study. Contact your Deft Research Client Services associate to assess the sample feasibility in your area.