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Has the cost of employer-sponsored health insurance reached a critical point?

employer sponsored health insurance, cost, inflation, prices, employee costs, premiums, cost sharing, telemedicine, retail health care, ACA, silver, bronze

3 Steps for Using Deft Research’s Employer Sponsored Health Insurance Insights in a Sales Presentation

When selling employer-sponsored voluntary health products, clients often want to see evidence of the value if they add them. Deft Research’s latest study used responses to an on-line survey from 2,013 employees. The focus was to measure how many employees valued voluntary supplemental benefits...

Personal Health, Care Access, Telemedicine, and Digital Health

This July, Deft Research will publish a new consumer survey report devoted to consumers' use and experience with Digital Health Technology. In anticipation of the July report, the analysis below explores digital health technology using data from a 2019 survey.

Medicare Marketing: Age-in Conversion and List Scoring

Most health plans are not satisfied with the proportion of their former commercial members who convert into Medicare members. This under-performance is called the Age-in Conversion problem.  And it challenges Medicare marketers trying to enroll their own individual and employer-sponsored health plan customers...

Propensity Scores and List Scoring Algorithms

When applied to lists of senior citizens and 64 year old’s (age-ins), these algorithms help health insurers make more informed marketing decisions.  The 2019 algorithms used enhanced techniques to achieve better predictive results...